Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Videos of music

Rarely have I given music videos the attention that they actually deserve. I've always watched very little TV and videos of bands belonging to my preferred genres probably never made it to MTV's top10. This has changed a lot with the internet and services like the tubes of you. Yet still I mostly ignore the videos when I check out some new band's music or new music of an old band. Some videos, however, have left me gaping at their awesomeness. Solstafir's Fjara I've already linked, so instead of that I'll provide you with some other eye-, soul- and ear-catching audiovisual gems.

First off is one that a friend just shared with me and that also inspired this post. The scale of the nostalgia it evoked almost brought me to tears. Almost. Supposedly the band has some other good one's, but I haven't checked them out yet.

Next up is something that followed an awesome night in the company of some of the greatest people on earth. We'd enjoyed delicious food, wine and coffee, it was around 4 am and one of my friends decided to show us this. It was beautiful then and every time since it has not only spellbound me with it's expressiveness, but also brought the warm memories of that initial night to mind. They also have other great videos, so look up White Winter Hymnal and Mykonos, if you're up to it.

Last but not least is one of my long time favorites. It's message is also that of nostalgia and it always brings a smile on my face. And how cool is it that Icelandic has a verb for "jumping into puddles"?!?

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