Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Life is complicated again, but I am happy. One lesser reason for happiness is the fact that the first snows came.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Buried, dug up and buried again

Apparently I find Summoning again and again through people. I first listened to them ages ago, but they're not exactly on the top of my playlist. Then again when people link me their songs or just happen to mention them in conversation, I feel a need to listen through most of their discography and cannot help but wonder why I don't listen to them more. I don't like to point a favorite anything out of any group, but I have always been the most fascinated with Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame. It is so grand and epic, yet still retains the grim feel of the bands earlier albums. The final song of the album is an absolute masterpiece:

"Who can find you clear springs of waters, but I can!
Who can tell you the age of the moon, but I can!
Who can call the fish from the depths of the sea, yes I can!
Who can change the shapes of the hills and the headlands, I can!"

Come winter!

I meant to post this a while back. It was early evening, but it was already pitch black outside. After Finland turned to daylight-saving-time a week back the night has come to fall very early. I yearn for snow, for it makes the world so much brighter at night.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I'm back from Helsinki and I'd like to post a ton of songs, including Sólstafirs Fjara, but as I've posted it already and I don't want to overindulge you, I'll limit myself to just one song. I'd heard Alcest before, but I'd never really listened to them. The overall feeling this one song channels is that of calm, although there are periods of strife and restlessness. Quite the opposite of my days this week.